Annual Conferences

Stockport Annual Governor Conference

Workshops on the day,

When you register please select your preferred option and an alternative in case that workshop is full.

  1. Young carers led by Katy Frankland Signpost for Carers Stockport
  2. Schools Finance led by Peter Hughes LA CSS Finance Manager
  3. Covid catchup and school culture led by Lynn Perry LA Head of School Effectiveness
  4. Transition through the lens of diversity’ led by Nicki White and Tracy Higgins
  5. SEND support for those without an EHCP led by Jacqui Terry LA SEN Teacher and Bev Milway LA Strategic Lead for SEN and Inclusion
  6. Whole school wellbeing led by Tanya Cross LA Schools Health & Wellbeing Advisor and Anna Purvis from Primary Jigsaw
Event date 26-03-2022
Event End Date 26-03-2022
Registration Start Date 14-02-2022
Capacity 150
Registered 99
Available place 51
Cut off date 26-03-2022

We are no longer accepting registration for this event