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Welcome to the 18th edition of the Schools Forum Newsletter……..

In this issue, we are including key points from the Schools Forum meeting held on 26 January 2017 particularly; Schools Funding Settlement 2017/18, The 2017/18 Schools Budget Update and the National Fairer Funding Formula (Stage 2 consultation documents). A full copy of the minutes will be made available via the Council web-site in due course, see section 7 below.

Schools Forum Meeting 26 January 2017 – Key Points

1. Matters Arising from 8 December 2016 Meeting minutes

No key matters arsing to report.

Note: School Admission Appeals process (Agenda item 8) – Request for LA to provide further information / response to Schools Forum on process/school head teacher input has been deferred until the next meeting to be held 16 March 2017.


Report presented as tabled

Discussions: N/A

Decisions: N/A.



1. Schools Forum members to note the report detail.


Report presented as tabled


1. Report outlined how the proposal to cap the Schools local funding formula factor values to the 2016/17 quantum levels was no longer required due to additional growth funding received within the 2017/18 high needs block allocation and this was welcomed by primary and secondary sector representatives.

2. The DfE had alerted the LA that the October 2016 school census data for four specific primary schools had a variance between FSM and Ever6 FSM data that could be adjusted for; within the local funding formula if the LA chose to do so.

3. Concern was raised in relation to the impact on the private, voluntary and independent (PVI) sector of the LA proposal to reduce the early years’ free entitlement base rate funding for three and four year olds by 1.5%.

4. The overall budget sustainability position was outlined, an update on DSG reserve levels, the requirement to provide budget sustainability across the three funding blocks and the ongoing SEND demand/needs facing the LA.


1. The Schools’ funding formula model to be maintained at the 2016/17 baseline which was supported by members and the four specific primary schools allocation to be amended to reflect the current FSM data rather than the Ever6 FSM data.

2. The PVI sector concerns relating to the early years funding formula proposal be outlined in the Executive report; if the sector wish to do so.

3. LA to continue to construct the high needs block budget in line with the budget principles and corporate timelines previously outlined.


1. The LA to amend the local funding formula for 2017/18 for the four schools FSM data as discussed/agreed.

2. PVI sector representative to provide final detail/information to the LA if it is to be included in the report to the Executive.

3. The LA to provide further detail of the Final 2017/18 Schools Budget financed by the DSG to members at the 16 March 2017 meeting.


Report presented as tabled

Discussions: Peter Hughes presented the report outlining the APT return is the formal statutory return required to be submitted to the DfE outlining the local funding formula model to be used to determine individual delegated budget share allocations for all primary and secondary schools/academies.

Decisions: N/A


1. Schools finance to update the APT return relating to the four schools data on FSM (as per Item 3; Action 1 above) and re-submit to the DfE.

2. Schools Finance team to distribute “Indicative” budget allocation information to schools tomorrow ahead of the final Schools Budget Pack to be released before the statutory 28 February 2017 deadline once Executive approval and DfE compliance testing confirmed


Report presented as tabled

Discussions: Peter Hughes presented a formal report which provided details of the recent consultation documents released by the DfE for schools and high needs. A number of key points were discussed including:

· Stockport Impact (overall and at individual school level);

· The construction / balance of the proposed NFFF model;

· The national floors and ceiling levels proposed;

· The limited local flexibility permitted to reflect local needs and/or circumstances;

· Impact on funding provided to Resource Provision schools;

· Local Authority support, facilitation service and advice provided and to continue to be provided to all schools/stakeholder groups; and

· Requirement for all schools and other stakeholders to actively engage in the consultation process.

Decisions: N/A


1. LA officers to support both PHC and SHC stakeholder groups at forthcoming planned meetings around the consultation document material;

2. LA/Schools to actively engage in the process and include local councillors/MPs where possible/appropriate

3. LA/Schools Forum to create joint response to the consultation and additional meeting if required to be arranged at a later date.


Report presented as tabled

Discussions: N/A.

Decisions: N/A

7. Where do I find Schools Forum Information?

The Schools Forum meetings are held, administered and clerked in accordance with any other council meetings and the minutes are recorded and presented on the councils web-site alongside all Schools Forum business matters (i.e. reports), please find link below:

8. Schools Forum Contacts:

Schools Forum Clerk: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Schools Forum Chair:

Paul Carter – Governor at St James School This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Schools Forum Service Director:

Phil Beswick, Services to People Directorate This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Schools Forum Finance Officer:

Peter Hughes, CSS Manager, Finance This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.